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本文发展了求解工业机器人运动学反问题的两种新方法:几何法和迭代法,分别适用于可解和不可解工业机器人的工作空间综合。  相似文献   
本文讨论平方阻尼(以参数a表征)在图(1)所示的缓冲系统中的作用,结果表明:平方阻尼对于降低相对位移峰值d_m总有良好的效果,但不一定降低加速度峰值a_m。在一定速度冲击V下,系统的平方阻尼有两种最佳值,使a_m最小的a_(am)和使缓冲效率γ最高的a_(cm),而平方阻尼最佳条件依赖于系统的缓冲弹簧的刚度变化类型: (1)线性弹簧情况:a_(am)=a_(cm),最佳条件为系统在首程中均匀减速; (2)渐硬弹簧情况:a_(am)=a_(cm),最佳条件为系统在首程中初始和终末加速度相等即; aV~2=ω_0~2q(dm) (3)渐软弹簧情况:a_(cm)>a_(am)。 本文的基础是所谓“首程显峰”,假定即系统在速度冲击V下的响应峰值d_m和a_m出现在第一行程中。当平方阻尼值不太小,缓冲弹簧刚度特性接近反对称时,该假定成立。  相似文献   
本文介绍一种用于纺织机械——梳棉机的感应电机变频调速系统。变频调速器由MCS—51系列单片机控制。文章简要介绍了微机控制系统的硬件结构以及采用气隙磁通轨迹控制法产生三相脉宽调制波的基本原理,还介绍了两台电机速度跟踪的要求和实现方法。  相似文献   
火星探测着陆系统开伞控制方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对火星探测进入轨道的分析,提出了一种以动压为控制目标的开伞控制方法,并借鉴过载-时间控制法的相关思想,结合火星探测进入轨道的特点,研究了该开伞控制法的原理和实现方法。根据火星探路者的实际进入条件,采用该方法的分析结果与实际飞行中的开伞情况基本吻合。  相似文献   
A principal goal of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover Curiosity is to identify and characterize past habitable environments on Mars. Determination of the mineralogical and chemical composition of Martian rocks and soils constrains their formation and alteration pathways, providing information on climate and habitability through time. The CheMin X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument on MSL will return accurate mineralogical identifications and quantitative phase abundances for scooped soil samples and drilled rock powders collected at Gale Crater during Curiosity’s 1-Mars-year nominal mission. The instrument has a Co X-ray source and a cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) detector arranged in transmission geometry with the sample. CheMin’s angular range of 5° to 50° 2θ with <0.35° 2θ resolution is sufficient to identify and quantify virtually all minerals. CheMin’s XRF requirement was descoped for technical and budgetary reasons. However, X-ray energy discrimination is still required to separate Co?Kα from Co?Kβ and Fe?Kα photons. The X-ray energy-dispersive histograms (EDH) returned along with XRD for instrument evaluation should be useful in identifying elements Z>13 that are contained in the sample. The CheMin XRD is equipped with internal chemical and mineralogical standards and 27 reusable sample cells with either Mylar? or Kapton? windows to accommodate acidic-to-basic environmental conditions. The CheMin flight model (FM) instrument will be calibrated utilizing analyses of common samples against a demonstration-model (DM) instrument and CheMin-like laboratory instruments. The samples include phyllosilicate and sulfate minerals that are expected at Gale crater on the basis of remote sensing observations.  相似文献   
通过压入测试以获取工程服役结构、小型构件和焊接结构焊缝过渡区的材料单轴本构关系参数,且根据材料本构关系参数来估算材料的压入硬度对于工程设计和安全评估有重要意义.对于幂律材料,本文依据锥形压入试验原理和弹塑性接触有限元分析(EPFEA),揭示了不同锥角的锥形压头其压入能量比与屈服应力之间存在线性关系,提出了基于能量原理预测金属材料本构关系部分关键参数(弹性模量、屈服应力和硬化指数)的CR-EMI (Constitutive Relationship based on Energy Method of Indentation)方法.同时,基于此种线性关系提出了由Hollomon本构关系模型参数预测硬度的H-EMI(Hardness based on Energy Method of Indentation)方法.通过对多种金属材料进行压入试验和有限元分析,验证了CR-EMI方法和H-EMI方法的有效性与精确性.  相似文献   
在某型飞机使用的阀中采用了缝隙间隙密封,依据计算、设计和试验阐述了泄漏量与压力、间隙尺寸、粘度及材质的关系。当间隙尺寸确定时,粘度越大,压力越小,材质越硬,则泄漏量越小,即阀在采用缝隙间隙密封时,泄漏量与工作介质的种类有关,每种工作介质粘度不同,泄漏量也不同,阀体材质越密,抗泄漏越好。因此,应尽量选择粘度系数大的介质和材质较密的材料。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the stability of capillary forced flow.In space,open capillary channels are widely used as the liquid and gas separation devices to manage liquid positioning and transportation.Surface collapse happens when the flow rate exceeds the critical value,leading to a failure of propellant management.Knowledge of flow rate limitation is of great significance in design and optimization of propellant management devices(PMDs).However,the capillary flow rate limitation in an asymmetry channel has not been studied yet in the literature.In this paper,by introducing an equivalent angle to convert the asymmetry corner to a symmetry one,the one-dimensional theoretical model is developed.The flow rate limitation can then be investigated as a function of the channel geometry as well as liquid property based on the model.Comparisons between the asymmetry and symmetry channels bring forth the characteristics of the two kinds of channels,and demonstrate good accordance between the new advanced model and the existing one in the literature.This theoretical model can provide valuable reference for PMD designers.  相似文献   
压力管道流固耦合振动特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
压力管道系统中存在流体和结构之间的耦合振动。因此,在研究压力管道的动态特性时,应考虑管内流体对管道结构动态特性的影响。本文以某动力系统空间管路为研究对象,采用Galerkin法对导管-流体组成的耦合系统进行有限元离散,建立耦合系统控制方程。在此基础上,用考虑初应力刚度的有限元法,对导管充压前、后的振动特性进行了数值计算,详细分析了流固耦合作用对导管结构振动特性的影响,并与试验结果进行了比较分析。结果表明,流固耦合作用对导管模态振型的影响很小,但对导管各阶固有频率有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   
建立了离子推力器束流分布的高斯模型,以200mm氙离子推力器为例,在不同工作环境下对推力器束流分布进行了数值模拟,并通过试验测量了推力器引出切面不同位置(轴向z=50mm,z=100mm)下的径向束电流密度和束离子密度分布。通过对数值模拟结果与试验测量结果的比较,误差为17%,认为数值模拟结果与试验测量结果吻合较好。表明离子推力器引出束流呈轴对称分布,在推力器出口附近,束离子密度很大,越往下游,密度越小且束流出现发散。  相似文献   
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